Taiwan BT&D² Team
Taiwan BT&D² Team
Taiwan BT&D² Team at NCKU is a multidisciplinary and international team specializing in developing and applying technology in development of drugs, neutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals for prevention and treatments of diseases, including cancers, infectious diseases, chronic diseases and metabolic syndrome disease. -
Control-Aging-Sleep-Emotion (CASE) LAB
Control-Aging-Sleep-Emotion (CASE) LAB
Our research topics:1.The mechanism of attentional shifting of executive function;2.The source of function loss from multiple task;3.Electrophysiological study of attention control in aging brain;4.Neuropsychology;5.Clinical Psychology;6.other topics:Aging and cognition, neurofeedback and health promte, predicting cognitive aging and mental resilience by machine learning. -
Lab of Molecular Genetics
Lab of Molecular Genetics
Lab of Molecular Genetics (MG Lab) led by Prof. Tzong-Yueh Chen mainly focuses on the research of viruses that cause high mortality in marine cultivated fish species, from virus structure analysis, fish epidemiology to host immune mechanism, with industrial applications, to overcome the bottleneck of aquaculture. -
Lab of Developmental Technology
Lab of Developmental Technology
There are several features making Drosophila as a feasible model system to study human diseases. First, it is a genetically tractable organism with sophisticated tools to test genes’ functions. More importantly, nearly 75% of human disease genes have a Drosophila homologue and the conservation in signaling pathways provide promising approaches to test or design new drugs. -
Prof. Hong Hwa Chen's Lab
Prof. Hong Hwa Chen's Lab
Orchids are insect-pollinated flowers. The floral morphology, flower color, and floral fragrance of orchids play important roles in the evolution of orchids, and they are also the focus of our laboratory. Our main research direction orchid genomics and the study of functional genomics for floral morphology, flower color, and floral fragrance. Recently, genomic big data analysis is also applied to orchid research. -
hvWang LAB
hvWang LAB
The main goal of Marine Biology and Cetacean Research Center at NCKU is for rescuing the live stranded cetacean or managing the death stranded event in Taiwan. -
Laboratory for Climate Change Biology
Laboratory for Climate Change Biology
We investigate biological responses to climate change, macrophysiology and evolutionary adaptation, dendroclimatology and ecosystem services. -
Specimen Room
Specimen Room
Specimen Room,Institute of Archaeology -
Professor Jui-Ming Lin's LAB
Professor Jui-Ming Lin's LAB
Professor Jui-Ming Lin is an important poet in Taiwan and a pioneer in the study of the history of Taiwan literature. He was also the student of the first session of the History Department of National Cheng Kung University. -
SusNanoChem Lab
There are two main themes ongoing in our research group. The first theme is related to the evaluation of environmental health impacts of emerging chemical substances such as nano- and micro-plasctics, and the other is the innovation of energy-saving nanomaterials in the photo- and electro-catalysis of persistent organic contaminants. -
We focus on the research to both reduce the environmental problem and sustain the economy by raising resource efficiency. Professor Chen loves bringing students discovering cross-discipline research topics and address the issue with systems thinking. -
Environmental Biotechnology Research Laboratory
Environmental Biotechnology Research Laboratory
EBL focuses on utilizing biotechnology to treat environmental related issue. With the combination of traditional biotechnology and the most popular molecular biology, we are able to apply the both technology on most important environmental issue in Taiwan and worldwide, such as pollution control and developing renewable energy.