The main goal of Marine Biology and Cetacean Research Center at NCKU is for rescuing the live stranded cetacean or managing the death stranded event in Taiwan. For the live stranding, we first have to collaborate with the Coast Guard Administration and deal with the dolphin on site. After transporting the dolphin to the rescue station in Tainan, we manage to perform the whole set of cetacean rescue and rehabilitation. For the death stranding event, we perform the essential procedures (measurement, sampling, or necropsy) depending on the decomposed condition of the carcass. For the Condition Code 2 (means fresh dead) event, we go further focus on the academic research, with studying pathology evidence for scientific evidence on marine health, and learn how cetacean regenerate large full-thickness wound for enhancing human regeneration medicine. Our academic research team member includes Dr. Hao-Ven Wang from Dep. of Life Sciences, Dr. Michael Hughes from Institute of Clinical Medicine, Dr. Chao-Chun Yang from Dep. of Dermatology at NCKU Hospital and Prof. Dr. Cheng-Ming Chuong from University of Southern California.