Food and Gut Microbiology Lab

Food and Gut Microbiology Lab

Food and Gut Microbiology Lab

Wei-Hsuan Hsu

College of Medicine

Department of Food Safety/Hygiene and Risk Management

Cheng-Hsin Campus

The Uni President Health Research Building

Wei-Hsuan Hsu


Gut microbiota are associated with human health and may influence disease development and drug efficacy. Gut microbes can remotely influence organ function and disease progression. The main research areas of our laboratory are next-generation probiotics, food microbiology, and fermentation biotechnology. We isolate and screen microbial strains, develop functional probiotics including bacteria and fungi with the research goal of intestinal health. We investigate the bidirectional regulation between microorganisms and between intestinal bacteria and the host, and explore the key species and metabolites of gut microbiota composition and host health. We evaluate the efficacy and mechanism of food and functional materials in preventive medicine, and study the relationship between the imbalance of gut microbiota and diseases, and adjust the balance of gut microbiota as a healthy food development strategy for treatment or prevention of diseases to develop novel potential of disease treatment possibilities that targeting human microbiota.
Food and Gut Microbiology Lab